11 Feb 13
During visitation, a Roman Catholic shared with me that someone had arranged for him to attend and host 2 corporate functions over a lunch and a dinner on Ash Wednesday. He commented that as Roman Catholic, he had to fast on that day and can only choose to 'eat' either during lunch or dinner. So what is Ash Wednesday?
12 Feb 13
While I was taking a photo at Chinese Garden, a kid 'ran' into my photo. Immediately, her dad shouted 'Spatial Awareness' and lectured her to be mindful of the things happening around her.
13 Feb 13
Today is Ash Wednesday. The starts of the 40 days of Lent which will end on 30 Mar. Lent is a season leading up to Easter. A time when Christians prepared their hearts with reflection, repentance and prayers for the coming Easter. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and proceeds for forty days, excluding Sundays and culminating with Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Since Sundays are weekly celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays in Lent are not counted as part of the forty-day season. During Lent, Christians practice the act of listening and staying close to God in Spirit and Truth in preparing themselve for Easter.
So what is Ash Wednesday?
On Ash Wednesday, all Roman Cahtolics are encouraged to attend Mass. During Mass, the priest will bless the ashes, sprinkle Holy Water on them and the faithful come forward to receive them. The priest will dip his right thumb in the ashes and making the Sign of the Cross on the person's forehead and says, "Remember, man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return" (or a variation on these words). These ashes were made by burning the blessed palms that were distributed the previous year on Palm Sunday. The distribution of ashes reminds us of our own mortality and calls us to repentance. Catholics are required to Fast on Ash Wednesday, which means they can eat only one complete meal and two smaller ones during the day, with no food in between. Ash Wednesday is a day of penance to be marked by fasting and abstinence from the eating of meat.
Spatial Awareness is the ability to be aware of oneself in space. Awareness of spatial relationships is the ability to see two or more objects in relation to each other and to oneself. With spatial awareness, many accidents or undesired consequences can be avoided.
Likewise, with good knowledge of general knowingness, everyone can be benefited one way or another. In turn, a more gracious living environment and a much better place for all.
Extracted from today 40 Days LENT Bible Listening Plan (Matthew Chapter 21: Verses 1 to 11)
Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me.
<< Divine Awareness>>
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Jurong Point Mobile Photography Workshop cum Community Painting Day (26 Jan 13)
Thank you Jurong Point for organising the Jurong Point Art Walk for Community Painting Day as well as the Mobile Photography Workshop! I am one of the Happy Participants.
Mobile Photography Workshop and Community Painting Day (42 photos)
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This way up to ART Walk |
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Smartphone Photography Workshop by Speaker Brian |
Photography is the Art of Taking Light
- start thinking how you want to take it
The basics ...
What can be improved?
Phone - point to focus if the portion is dark, it will be too bright. Point face instead of hair.
Focus on the average brightness point of the photo. Experiment a bit. Don't focus on the moving object.
Tab and hold to focus
Shutter/Exposure Time
Long Exposure (30sec to 1 minutes)
Extreme high Shutter/short exposure (Time Stop)
Shutter Speeds/Exposure Times
Bulb (hold)
f/8 - all clear
f/3.5 - notice the blur
Aperture Settings
f2.8 (Center)
f/2 (big opening)
f/8 (medium opening)
f/32 (small opening)
Depth of field
If you take with a short DOF, take the person from the front rather than the side
Bringing a feature out - Bokeh
Grain/Film Speed/ISO
80 (more details)
3200 (more grain)
Setting ISO
Photography is not how you feel but how other people value it. (what it means to you)
Aperture, Shutter and ISO are interdependent.
Photography is not about the gear but how you take it.
Smartphone Photography - you are always ready to shoot (As and when you take it)
Rule of 2/3 - Grip
Avoid dead space
Composition tells the story - think about what is in your photo
Lots of light vs low light
Perspective, position and focus length
Shoot from low high you make it more grand but beware of double chin
Shoot from high down you make it more small
With your smart phone, everything looks further away (wide lens)
Smart phone zoom digitally (it just cut away the photo)
Light your subject well
- photography is the art of using light
- no matter where you shoot, or what you are using , always look for light
- choose your light, if possible
- watch for too much hard light (lots of shadows)
Look out where is the Sun
Experiment with white balance
-watch for the colour of the light available
-Adjust the balance
Compose, don't just be snap happy
Think about what you want to tell in a photo
If your photos ain't good enough, you ain't close enough. - Robert Capa
Bring out the subject (go near)
Photography is about WHERE you stand
Watch that flash
- use it if you need it (backlight)
- get used to knowing the light
- More to a brighter spots
Keep still when taking photo
Edit the images later
(editing tools on Pc is better than camera)
Don't throw away mistakes
What you see on your phone is not what you see on your PC
Avoid using the digital zoom, just crop it.
Digital zoom is nothin but a in-build crop
Keep your lens cleans
The better the resolution m, the better the quality, all other factors being equal .
Always set resolution to Large
Shoot loose - know when your camera takes the photo ie when you touch the screen or when your finger leaves the screen. Does it have a focusing delay?
Observe camera etiquette
Bear in mind the limitation of your camera.
It isn't a DSLR and it is your eye.
Know what your camera tools. What your camera can do or can not do.
Remember the basics?
And when you can break the rules.
Smartphone Photography Workshop by Speaker Michelle Teo
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Michelle's Favourite Apps |
A glimpse of the Changing Exhibitions at the Art Walk ....

Some of the Happenings on the Community Painting Day at the Art Walk...
The Art Walk at Jurong Point 2 Basement 1 is quite new to many. Do drop by to view the Front Facade, Changing Exhibitions and Community of Art Space.
Front Facade:
Art Walk @ Jurong Point presents a joint initiative by Jurong Point and Social Creatives - a non-profit art chairty - to promote art appreciation whithin the community. The theme of Art Walk, entitled "Colours That Promote Happiness" hopes to encourage Singaporean to explore their artistic side through the vibrancy of colours.
Changing Exhibitions:
Changing Exhibtions is a community art gallery by the people, for the people - helping to promote local budding artists by showcasing their works, and offering them up for sale.
Community Art Space:
The Community Art space is a portion of the gallery dedicated to the public, with the aim of promoting advocacy for the arts. Driving home the message art can be for everyone. Community Painting Days will be held on a regular basis where members of the public will be invited to contribute to the murals every month.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Watson Facebook Fans
6-day BRAND’S Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken (BTEC) trial program
(Part 2 of 2)
I enjoyed drinking/'eating' the BRAND’S® Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken(BTEC)
during the 6 days trial.
I did not experience much menstrual cramp this round
enjoy my daily routine without disruption.
Hope to see the launching of Essence of Chicken with Extra Strength Tangkwei in the near future.
Watson Facebook Fans
6-day BRAND’S Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken (BTEC) trial program
(Part 1 of 2)
Many years ago, a friend of mine shared with me how Tangkwei had rescued she and her mum from those terrible Menstrual Cramps.
She recommended me to eat the Tangkwei Raw to solve my Menstrual Cramps problem.
She recommended me to eat the Tangkwei Raw to solve my Menstrual Cramps problem.
I don't quite like the idea of eating Tangkwei Raw, so I did not give it a try.
I was very excited when I come to know about this
6-day BRAND’S® Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken(BTEC) trial program.
I did not sign up immediately as I can't imagine the taste of Essence of Chicken with Tangkwei.
I was very excited when I come to know about this
6-day BRAND’S® Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken(BTEC) trial program.
I did not sign up immediately as I can't imagine the taste of Essence of Chicken with Tangkwei.
Benefits of BTEC
BRAND’S® Tangkwei with Essence of Chicken is an all natural herbal supplement for women made from a superior concoction of chicken essence and Tangkwei.
Known as a ‘blood herb’, Tangkwei has been used by generations of women to help ease the discomforts experienced during their menstrual cycle. Rich in iron, magnesium and vitamins B1, B2 and E, it is generally used to improve blood circulation and replenish blood loss. It is also beneļ¬cial in relieving your body from tiredness.
Combined with BRAND’S®Essence of Chicken, BTEC helps the body’s absorption of the nutrients from Tangkwei and increases the tonifying effects.
Furthermore, scientific research has proven that BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken improves iron status by improving its absorption and mobilization from iron stores in the body, especially helpful during your menstrual cycle when greater iron loss occurs.
finally decided to sign up for the 6-day trial and for the fun of blogging my experience.
For the trial, we are supposed to take the BTEC for 6 consecutive days.
I took all 5 bottles in the evening except the last bottle I took it in the morning.
I normally take the Essence of Chicken hot as I like it hot.
Here is a summary of how I took my BTEC for 6 consecutive days:
Day 1 - BTEC with my porridge (evening)
My Chicken Floss BTEC Porridge tasted So Good!!!
Looking forward to BRAND’S® Extra Tangkwei Essence of Chicken
Day 2 - BTEC pipping hot (evening)
Day 3 - BTEC without pre-heat (evening)
Day 4 - BTEC pipping hot (evening)
I still like to drink the BRAND’S® Extra Tangkwei Essence of Chicken pipping hot.
Day 5 - BTEC without pre-heat (at night before sleep)
But I don't mind drinking the BRAND’S® Extra Tangkwei Essence of Chicken without pre-heat.
Day 6 - BTEC with my steam egg (morning)
Add 1/3 BTEC to an egg for the Tangkwei flavour
Mixed the egg and BTEC well
Steam the egg in our Antique National Rice Cooker
My steam egg is a bit plain and not soft enough.
I should have added some mushrooms, chicken meat and more water.
Mixed the remaining 2/3 BTEC (uncooked to preserve the nutrients) and eat it. :)
My preference ranking:
(1) BTEC with my porridge
(2) BTEC pipping hot
(3) BTEC with my steam egg
(4) BTEC without pre-heat
Saturday, 23 June 2012
My Scheming Facial Mask Experience - 23 Jun 12
Thank you My Scheming Mask for Sponsoring 100 Free Masks for Fans to experience!
The Free Mystery Mask that I received was Skin Clarifying Astringent Mask!
I enjoyed my free My Scheming Mask this morning.
Simply Love the Refreshing & Soothing Experience
~ use it for a Brighter and more Transparent Skin
This product (Made in Taiwan) is covered under 10 million of product liability insurance
Simply Love the Refreshing & Soothing Experience
~ use it for a Brighter and more Transparent Skin
This product (Made in Taiwan) is covered under 10 million of product liability insurance
In Memory of My Pet Bird Yeehor
This is my very 1st Blog ..
and I learnt it from my trainer MICHAEL NETZLEY @communicateasia
my 1st Twitter follower ..
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